Brand Consistency Across Markets with Nord DDB
Our friends at Nord DDB Stockholm are pushing the envelope with their DCO campaigns for Elkjop / Elgiganten / Gigantti that are running across the Nordic markets. We feel they are showing a great example on how to keep the branding consistent in different countries.
How does Ad Layer help Nord DDB accomplish this?
Ad Layer is a DCO creative management platform that empowers brands to achieve unparalleled consistency and impact across multiple markets. We understand the vital importance of maintaining a cohesive brand identity in today’s competitive landscape, and our solution is designed to help you navigate the complexities and unlock the true potential of your digital advertising campaigns.
In partnership with innovative agencies such as Nord DDB Stockholm, Ad Layer has proven to be a game-changer in the realm of digital advertising. Our platform seamlessly integrates with your brand guidelines and empowers you to deliver captivating and compelling, social ads, dynamic in-banner videos and HTML5 creatives across the markets on a global scale.
“It’s challenging to combine brand guidelines from both Google and Elkjöp in one single ad – a lot of dos and don’ts to navigate,” explains Merwan Maaruf, Head of Digital Production at Nord DDB Stockholm. “Luckily, Ad Layer’s platform allows the rules and frameworks to be set up and approved by all stakeholders beforehand. This enables us to focus on the creative part and deliver outstanding campaigns that resonate with our audience.”
Using Ad Layer, Nord DDB were able to build the impressive Google Pixel 7 launch campaign for Elgiganten that was run over all the Nordic Markets.
With Ad Layer, you can rest assured that we have the expertise and tools to streamline the process of combining diverse brand guidelines. Our platform allows for the creation and approval of comprehensive rules and frameworks that align with the guidelines of all stakeholders, enabling you to focus on the creative aspects that truly bring your brand to life.
Experience the impressive results that Ad Layer brings to your digital advertising campaigns. Discover how our platform revolutionizes your creative process, streamlines your production workflow, and elevates your brand’s presence in the market. Unlock the true potential of your brand and forge a lasting connection with your audience.
Keeping your branding consistent across multiple markets is challenging. We know it – and we want to make it easier for you.
Choose Ad Layer as your trusted partner in harnessing the power of branding consistency across multiple markets. With our DCO solution, you can confidently navigate the challenges of combining diverse brand guidelines while delivering captivating and impactful, dynamic advertising campaigns. Let us show you how you can streamline your ad production!
Interested to learn more? Scroll down and Book a Demo now!