Release 2 / 2023 – Review Hub and More
The second release for the year is here
Keeping up with fast pace of pushing out releases in 2023, we are going in for another round of “Let’s make things that was good even better”. This time we have made a huge improvement on how we handle reviews. This release addresses especially the feedback and requests that we have received from clients working on global campaigns on multiple markets, and having to do hundreds of reviews simultaneously.
Let us show you what is new!
Hide unneeded ad versions in the versioning step
We had received client requests to make it possible to hide some of the unneeded versions in the ads that have LOTS of them, and we have now made it possible to do exactly so!
Hiding the versions, and making your campaigns look neater is as easy as clicking the hide icon on the versions you don’t need. This will hide the versions also from preview, review and publishing steps. And in case you want to bring hidden ads back, you can of course make them visible again. Neat!
Automatic Translations
Have you used Google Translate? If yes, you are familiar with the concept. Get all the text in your ads translated to languages you need!
We are working towards including an AI-powered learning translation system, that will adjust the translations based on your previous choices and edits. With this first step, you can have access to automated translations for your ads, after which someone who knows the language, should check that everything looks bueno, and make any desired tweaks to make sure the copy is in line with branding and the message you are sending. This should make the translation process a fair bit faster already!
This is currently available just for creative licence users – so if you are in need of this, contact your sales rep for more info.
The Big Thing: Review Hub
Review Hub is the new, improved way on how reviews are handled on Ad Layer. Instead of sending out five (or sometimes 100+) different links to reviews, everything is now gathered nicely in one interface. It looks like an email inbox – but instead of spam and mail from that Duolingo bird – you now have every review you need to do gathered, neatly in one list.
So just jump into a campaign, check the status, do the review and send it away.
Your access is password protected. Simply click the link in any email, and it will lead you to the Hub. If you have access to Ad Layer, you can find a direct link under Tools.
Enough jabbering, let’s check it out below!
Review Hub: review management in one interface. Review more ads easier, save more time.
Now you can select one or more ads to send out to review at once.
This is now your login to the Review Hub! You can also jump into the Review Hub from your Ad Layer page so no need looking for those emails.
That is it! We are back to the lab, and working on the Release 3 now!